1. Dominant Symptom
We will walk step-by-step through how to identify your Dominant Symptom
2. Take the Quiz
Select the FREE Quiz matching your dominant symptom from Step #1
FREE report with conditions matching your Dominant Symptom and Quiz results
The first step in organizing the information about your hand problem is to identify the specific symptom you are experiencing. You may experience more than one symptom, but we want to identify the most important symptom - what we call the dominant symptom.
We use the dominant symptom to help us identify possible problems affecting your hand. It is the single most important thing to know if we want to understand what's wrong with your hand.
Identifying the dominant symptom lets us narrow down the list of possible conditions and generate a "best guess" (also known as a hypothesis). We can then test the best guess using additional information - don't worry, HandGuyMD does that for you.
After two decades helping tens of thousands of people with hand problems, I've learned every hand problem can be described in one of five different ways:
Deformity (lump/bump/swelling)
Numbness and/or tingling
A single hand problems can cause many different symptoms but there is generally one symptom that is dominant. You may have pain, swelling and stiffness in your thumb, for example, but one of them will be the most significant to you. You may have pain and numbness with carpal tunnel syndrome but the numbness is the first thing you will say when asked about what's wrong with your hand.
To identify the dominant symptom, simply ask yourself this question: "What is the first thing that comes to mind when you describe your hand problem?" Don't filter or qualify the answer, just respond with the first thing that comes to mind. and that is most likely your dominant symptom.
Finally, don't worry about picking the "wrong one" - many conditions can have multiple symptoms that apply. Using the Healthy Hands framework, you will still end up in the right place, it just may take a few more steps to get there.
After identifying your Dominant Symptom, you will be taken to the Quiz page where you can select the proper quiz for you.
Based on your Dominant Dymptom and your specific Quiz responses, you will get a FREE report detailing a list of possible conditions affecting your hand using the HandGuyMD algorithm.
Note: At present, only the Dominant Symptom for Numbness is live (blue)
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