Numbness & Tingling Quiz

Get Answers About Why Your Hand is Numb

1. How Condition Started

Answer the question

2. Body Part Affected

Select the picture matching where you are numb

3. Select the Quiz

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Follow these three easy steps

1. How Did The Condition Start?

While there are only two answers (Trauma or Non-Trauma), there can be a sort of "in-between" circumstance, minor trauma or repetitive use that someone may call an injury. But what we are after here is a simple yes/no response to the question: did the condition happen suddenly (usually with some kind of load or force) or did the condition develop over some period of time. Sudden events involving force may cause a "pop" or "snap" sensation or cause you to drop something while you are lifting it, or be the result of a strike or blow to the hand by an object. The answer is usually pretty clear.


Condition starts after a sudden, single event, involving load, force, or injury (for example, a fall onto your hand, lifting a heavy object, cutting your finger on a sharp object, slamming your hand in a door).


Condition develops over time, usually there is not one single identifiable event associated with the onset (for example, you notice your hand has begun tingling in the morning when you wake up, you find it more difficult to open a jar now, you notice a small bump on the back of your hand one day).

2. What Part of Your Hand Is Numb?

Look at the figure below and identify which part of your hand is numb = A, B, or C

You want to focus on the part that is MOST numb. Meaning you may have some occasional tingling on the small finger, but if the thumb and index are constantly numb - you want to select those (so, you would pick "A" below)

Hand = A

Numbness in this part of the hand involves the thumb, index, middle and the one-half of the ring finger facing the middle finger.

Hand = B

Numbness in this part of the hand involves the small finger and the one-half of the ring finger facing the small finger.

Hand = C

In this case, your entire hand is numb. This means the thumb, index, middle, ring and small finger are equally numb or tingling.

3. Identify Your Answers

  • Question 1 is either Trauma or Non-Trauma

  • Question 2 is either Hand = A, Hand = B, or Hand = C

When it comes to numbness, the first - and most important - thing to understand your type of numbness.

There are 4 types of numbness and, based on your answers, the Quiz will identify the most likely type of numbness affecting your hand.

After completing the Quiz, you will get a FREE report with your specific Type of Numbness and 4 things you can do today to reduce your numbness.

Step 2. Click the Button to Access the Quiz

How It Started

(Part of the Hand Affected)

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